Some planning committee members have a mindset of ‘planning by vibes’ rather than being led by policy. No wonder the government is keen to address this.
Author: russellcurtis
Housing Delivery Test 2023
A brief analysis of the Housing Delivery Test scores from 2023, which were published in December.
Get on board
The potential for 27,000 homes around existing stations between London and Cambridge: Submission to the New Towns Taskforce, November 2024.
Using AI and high-resolution aerial photography to categorise types of land cover within the metropolitan green belt.
Grey Belt Geometry
The following describes a potential methodology for establishing the extent of “grey belt” using a geometrical approach to settlements within London’s metropolitan green belt. 1. This example uses Brentwood in Essex. The settlement is entirely enclosed by London’s metropolitan green belt. In this diagram the orange colour shows the extent of Brentwood which is not […]
All AIs on the Grey Belt
The use of AI and spatial mapping to categorise the use of England’s green belt and identify opportunities for new development.
Cornering the Market
Some thoughts on a “brownfield passport” and the potential for corner plots to rapidly deliver suburban intensification.
The Grenfell report fails to grasp the wider lessons of this tragedy by ignoring the warped procurement culture that encouraged so many awful decisions.
Right on Target
Why concerns about the effect of the new government’s housing targets on the countryside are misplaced
How planning authorities’ online portals demonstrate bias against new development.