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London Borough of Camden

West Kentish Town Estate - Appointment of Multi-Disciplinary Team (RIBA Work Stages 0 - 4)

Publication Platform

Publication Date
31 May 2020

12:00am, 03 July 2020

Tender ID

The London Borough of Camden is looking to award a contract for the provision of multi-disciplinary services for West Kentish Town Estate to develop the whole scheme to RIBA Work Stage 4 (the "Services"). A detailed business case will be produced based on RIBA Stage 2 design work, including a masterplan, phasing and decant strategy, confirmation of a land assembly strategy and supporting commercial information to provide Council Cabinet with sufficient assurance that the project is viable and can proceed. The masterplanning process will culminate in a Hybrid planning application which will consist of the masterplan for the entire West Kentish Town Estate site, and the detailed design of Phase 1. The Phase 1 Architect will be tendered separately to the Masterplanning & Multi-Disciplinary Team. Bidders for this tender will also be free to bid for the Phase 1 Architect appointment, and all future phases.