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Folkestone and Hythe District Council

Folkestone Seafront Planning Application Review

Publication Platform
Cabinet Office

Publication Date
29 November 2022

11:59pm, 01 April 2022

Tender ID


Folkestone Seafront Planning Performance Agreement to cover the following applications/ phases;
1. Reserved Matters Plot C1 - 120 units + commercial.
2. Reserved Matters Plot A - 15 units
3. Full Planning Application Plot B2 - 75 - 80 units + Commercial floorspace /café.
4. Reserved Matters Plot D1 -110-120 units.
5. Reserved Matters Plot E & F 200-270 units
6. Plot B2 Car Park application *
7. Plot B1 non-material amendment *
8. Plot D1 non-material amendment *

Lichfields are employed to act as case officer on behalf of F&HDC in progressing the application through to determination. This includes in some instances also dealing with pre-application advice, non-material amendments and attending meetings and providing advice on behalf of the Council.