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South Somerset District Council

Chard High Street Heritage Action Zone: Public Realm Detailed Design

Publication Platform

Publication Date
04 June 2020

12:00am, 21 July 2020

Tender ID

South Somerset District Council seek an experienced supplier to deliver a detailed public realm design to RIBA 4 for Chard, Somerset. . In 2019 a Public Realm Strategy was commissioned by South Somerset District Council. The strategy was intended to support the delivery of public realm initiatives which will be phased and prioritised dependent on sources of funding and relative importance in delivery of the Chard Regeneration Scheme goals. The public realm improvements which would be delivered through use of the strategy are seen as key infrastructure supporting the overall regeneration and transformation of the town centre. The improvements support the core of the town and need to create a clear style for Chard that supports the economy of the town centre. SSDC now wishes to commence the detailed design to RIBA 4 of four project areas to provide basis for delivery. In order to realise the objectives of the Chard High Street Heritage Action Zone public realm project, the appointed team will need to: • Establish a robust, costed approach to consultation for each project area which supports the completion the design process. This will be based on RIBA 3 costings which will be provided to the successful tenderer prior to commencement of the work. • Develop detailed technical design work delivering a solution for each of the key areas to end of RIBA 4. This would be guided by current sketch designs and the public realm strategy. • A minimum of two workshops with the Highway Authority and one workshop with Historic England. • Meet the timescale and cost envelope laid out in the tender document.