View Notice



Torpoint Lower Fore Street Community Building Feasibility Study

Publication Platform
Cabinet Office

Publication Date
02 October 2023

12:00pm, 02 November 2023

Tender ID

Torpoint is the principal urban area (population of 7.5K) for the Rame Peninsula, providing the area's main convenience retail offer, some comparison shopping, a local food and drink offer and minor community and leisure facilities. There are key visitor attractions on the peninsula including Mount Edgcumbe House and Park, Antony House and Gardens and the villages of Cawsand and Kingsand. This project represents the second phase of redevelopment for the town with the first phase of moving the police out of and demolishing the current building on the site firmly underway. This is being achieved through grant funding from the One Public Estate and the Brown Field Release Scheme. The aim of the feasibility is to determine the size, location and design of a solution to the key requirements that the town has and enable economic growth and regeneration. An understanding of potential costs, risks, issues and opportunities to allow an initial design to be created, with an understanding of delivery routes and delivery costs. It is highly likely that the feasibility study will be used as the main evidence in any future bids for central government funding for example a bid under Levelling up Funding Round 3. As such the report should be sufficiently detailed to enable a bid of this nature. The ITT is part of a grant funded application process and therefore procurement will be subject to grant approval of the project. We will assess tenders received on a Most Economically Advantageous Tender. Application details available on the portal.