View Notice


Connexus Housing Group

Architectural Services for proposed demolition/new build development River View, Hereford HR2 6EA

Publication Platform

Publication Date
21 January 2020

12:00am, 06 March 2020

Tender ID

Architectural Services for Proposed Demolition and New Build Development at River View, Putson, Hereford, HR2 6EA the existing properties consist of 6 x blocks of 66 flats in total, and a block of 8 garages on the river front and potentially a further 15 garages behind the properties River View is located south of the river Wye in the Putson area of Hereford city. The existing site consists of six blocks of Cornish unit type 1 prefabricated three storey flats located on the river front built during the 1950's as well as a block of 8 garages adjacent to block 55 to 66. It is proposed to demolish the six blocks of flats and block of 8 garages to redevelop the site to provide a mix of new homes. There are also 15 garages located on River View behind the properties which could potentially form part of the redevelopment at River View. You are invited to submit a fee proposal for architectural services to prepare and present proposals for the three options detailed below for the above residential scheme, and return addressed to ourselves via MyTenders post box by 12 noon on Friday 6th March 2020. Your fee proposal needs to be based on providing the following three proposals for the two approaches mentioned above; Proposal 1: An all affordable housing scheme consisting of no flats or bungalows. A mixture of 1, 2 and 3 bed properties. Proposal 2: A fully Open Market scheme consisting of just apartments, these will need to be high specification including balconies to maximise the view over the river front. Proposal 3: A mixture of proposals 1 and 2. The fee proposal needs to be inclusive of; Production of existing and proposed site layout/sections. Production of drawings for all 3 options. Production of plans and elevations of each property type and variations for all 3 options. Production of Street Scenes for all 3 options. Constraints and opportunities plan. Design and Access Statement. Liaison with Planning Authority and Highways. Full set of CGI's of all 3 options for the scheme. All reasonable disbursements including all printing and travel costs. Mock up presentation boards The design and administration of the scheme is to be in accordance with; Technical Housing Standards current national described space standards. The National Housing Federations Standards and Quality in Development a good practice guide (Current edition).