View Notice


Dorset County Hospital Nhs Foundation Trust

Healthcare Office Accommodation

Publication Platform
Dorset County Hospital Nhs Foundation Trust

Publication Date
07 June 2021

Tender ID

Dorset County Hospital NHS FT (DCH) would like to understand its future office accommodation requirements, including the required capacity, and is seeking expressions of interest with providers to discuss the potential scope and approach to this work. Our use of office accommodation has changed through the COVID pandemic and so our assumptions as to what we may need to be considered. We have increased our office and administrative footprint to create socially distanced clinical and non-clinical space, whilst we have also seen many more colleagues working from home utilising digital technology. Looking forward we are seeking to rationalise and modernise our office and administrative accommodation as part of our longer-term site masterplan and this work will inform an options appraisal. We are seeking to understand the answer to two key questions: 1. What is our current office and administrative space utilisation? 2. What is our future need for office and administrative accommodation? These are simple questions yet there are multiple complexities to consider; What factors influencing our current utilisation will continue and which will change? What is the future on-site/home-working approach which best suits Team DCH and how can we ensure that aligns to our people commitments?; What hot-desking ratio's should we assume compared to the requirement for collaborative co-production spaces?; should we seek to release pockets of office and admin space in the core hospital?; how will future clinical activity impact on our requirement? We would like to engage with external companies who understand this is not simply about office accommodation but has implications for how we may work clinically as well and will be able to support us to answer these two key questions. We are therefore inviting expressions of interests from those who would be willing to meet to discuss how they would approach and deliver this work. In particular we would like to discuss with you: approach and methodology, scope, information requirements, and your similar experiences from elsewhere and within healthcare settings particularly. Please contact