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London Borough of Camden

Public Realm Maintenance and Improvements

Publication Platform

Publication Date
21 June 2020

12:00am, 03 August 2020

Tender ID

The London Borough of Camden is seeking to award Contracts for the provision of public realm maintenance and improvements, including inspection and repair of the streets and to carry out planned works. The Council intends to appoint two contractors to provide maintenance, upgrade and improvement works to the public and housing estate highway. One contractor will service Area A, and the second will service Area B. It is anticipated that the two contracts will commence on 1st April 2021 and will be for an initial term of five years with the option to extend for three further periods of one-year each. The successful contractor for each Lot will be responsible for delivering works up to £1.5m in their Area, but will have to compete in a mini-tender with the other contractor or open market for higher thresholds as detailed further in the ITT and Scoping document.