View Notice


North West Leicestershire District Council

NWL153 Housing and Employment Study

Publication Platform

Publication Date
21 December 2020

12:00pm, 29 January 2021

Tender ID

North West Leicestershire District Council in partnership with The Leicester and Leicestershire Local Planning Authorities (LPA) and the Leicester & Leicestershire Enterprise Partnership (LLEP) are seeking to procure consultancy services to prepare a study to better understand the requirement for employment land and the type and mix of housing within Leicester and Leicestershire. The study should provide evidence in the context of overall housing requirements set out through the current 'Standard Method' of calculating housing need but should also consider whether there are any robust and justifiable reasons for a departure from the standard method - including whether economic forecasting supports a different need. The evidence will inform future growth strategies and planning policy including Local Plans and delivery of the Strategic Growth Plan, the emerging Local Industrial Strategy (LIS) and will support an approach to growth that assists with recovery in light of the potential economic impacts resulting from the COVID19 global pandemic and BREXIT. The evidence will also inform Strategic Transport work by identifying the future quantum, type and distribution of growth to be delivered at District level across Leicester and Leicestershire.