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Connexus Housing Limited

Design and Build Construction services for External Wall Insulation to Passivhaus Standard

Publication Platform

Publication Date
08 June 2020

12:00am, 10 July 2020

Tender ID

You are invited to submit a tender to Connexus Housing Limited ("Connexus") to provide Design and Build Construction services as follows: Workstream 1A- External Wall Insulation to Passivhaus standard: The Works comprise of retrofit works to 112 housing units across Herefordshire and Shropshire as a major part of works to achieve a total Warmer Homes project total GHG emissions savings of at least 338 tonnes per annum. Workstream 1A involves installation of External Wall Insulation. Passivhaus principles shall be maintained for all elements of this workstream, and the successful contractor will work collaboratively with the client representative to ensure final design includes as a minimum: - An airtight building envelope. - A thermal bridge free design. - Quality control procedures throughout design and construction. - Energy modelling using the Passivhaus Planning Package (by Enhabit). - Triple glazed high performance windows (where they are being replaced). - Minimal overheating risk (Good or excellent 'Frequency of Overheating') as measured by PHPP architype models produced by Enhabit.