View Notice


Wiltshire Council

CO1489 Wiltshire Design & Neighbourhood Planning

Publication Platform

Publication Date
12 January 2022

12:00pm, 03 January 2022

Tender ID

LDA Design Consultancy Ltd

The Wiltshire Core Strategy (WCS) was adopted in January 2015 and sets the strategic framework for planning development across the County until 2026. The WCS is under review and adoption of the Wiltshire Local Plan Review is anticipated by the end of 2023, which will plan for a longer time period and be updated to ensure it reflects current national policy. The aim of the Wiltshire Design Guide and Codes is to deliver the requirements as set out in the National Design Guide, National Model Design Code, and the recent changes to the NPPF (2021). To provide a local level of guidance (and, where appropriate, obligation) that will support the delivery of high-quality design across Wiltshire by supplementing existing national guidance, responding to local aspirations, and being robust and defensible in the planning appeals process