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North West Leicestershire District Council

Housing Delivery Study

Publication Platform
North West Leicestershire District Council

Publication Date
24 July 2019

12:00am, 26 April 2019

Tender ID
NWL106 Housing Delivery Study


3.1. The objectives of the Study are: • To provide clear conclusions about constraints and opportunities relating to the delivery of housing across the Housing Market Area to 2031 and 2036, with further commentary for the period up to 2050; and • To provide clear high level recommendations to respond to the constraints and opportunities in housing delivery identified within the Study. 4. Outputs 4.1. It is open to consultants to propose their own methodology to meet the Study requirements. However, as a guide, it is anticipated that the Study will include the following outputs: 1. Clear and transparent method statement; 2. Concise analysis of context, including "Independent Review of Build Out Rates" (Letwin Review), relevant government guidance and policy, and national and regional trends in housing delivery; 3. Consultation with stakeholders including house builders and local agents operating within each constituent authority in Leicester and Leicestershire; 4. Analysis of housing market factors affecting delivery, including (but not limited to) lead-in times for strategic sites, market absorption capacity within each planning authority area and for the longer term within the cross-boundary Priority Growth Areas, market inter relationships from within the Leicester and Leicestershire Housing Market Area and from surrounding housing market areas; 5. Commentary on delivery considerations for strategic development area / strategic sites; 6. Clear conclusions at authority and Housing Market Area level about constraints and opportunities to housing delivery in relation to the spatial strategy proposed through the Leicester and Leicestershire Strategic Growth Plan; 7. Commentary on delivery models to support the delivery of housing growth across the HMA; and 8. Recommendations about minimising constraints to delivery and improving opportunities for delivery in relation to the spatial strategy proposed through the Strategic Growth Plan.