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National Physical Laboratory

Camera Calibration Rig

Publication Platform

Publication Date
13 August 2020

Tender ID

The National Physical Laboratory have a requirement to develop a design for a rig to work in conjunction with an existing calibration instrument at our NPL facility. The calibration instrument is used to perform optical calibrations on satellite instrumentation pre-flight, and therefore the rig is required to work in a ISO5 clean environment. The rig is required to maneuver a number of cameras (up to 15) in front of the NPL calibration instrument so that they can be calibrated in an automated sequence. The automation sequence for the rig is also expected to include data capture and processing from the cameras. It is anticipated the design will require elements of software and hardware design. The measurements will be conducted in normal laboratory conditions save for the ISO5 clean requirements. Formal Requirements to follow in a formal ITT.