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The table below shows all entries where ianpalmer has been listed as the successful supplier. The system has a best guess at various spellings where company names have been badly or inconsistently entered into Contracts Finder - note that these results may not be complete, or may include incorrect results.

Notice range from 16 August 2017 to 06 December 2024.

Ian Palmer

12 September 2019CA6251 - RNCM Student Social Space & Analogous Areas Design ServiceRoyal Northern College Of MusicAward
18 April 2023CA12040 - RNCM Architectural Services 2023-28Royal Northern College Of MusicAward
12 September 2019CA6251 - RNCM Student Social Space & Analogous Areas Design ServiceRoyal Northern College Of MusicAward

Includes all variations of company name, as follows: Ian Palmer, IAN PALMER ARCHITECTS LIMITED.