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Huntingdonshire District Councils

HDC - Future High Street Fund Business Case Development - St Neots

Publication Platform

Publication Date
20 September 2019

12:00am, 27 September 2019

Tender ID

St Neots: the fastest growing market town in Cambridgeshire, which in turn is one of the fastest growing regions of the UK in the heart of the OxCam Arc. Yet its town centre is failing to capture the benefit of, or add value to this growth. This historic riverside, market town is currently characterised in part as a dormitory town serving London and Cambridge, but partners have recently launched a Town Masterplan to re-establish a vibrant town centre as the hub of this thriving, modern, industrial community. As part of the Masterplan activity, Huntingdonshire District Council (HDC) on behalf of Masterplan Steering Group (MPSG), submitted an Application to the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government's Future High Streets Fund (FHSF) for Capacity Funding to develop a business case for capital funding to support the regeneration of the Town Centre. This application was included in the extended list of successful applications in round 1 announced on 27th August, 2019. This project encompasses the work required to progress St Neots Town Centre regeneration to the next stage of the project: namely the preparation of a full business case for capital funding including an options appraisals and HM Treasury Green Book assessment of Value for Money of the recommended option. The Council invites fully costed tender submissions from any party or parties appropriately qualified and experienced to complete this work. Expressions of Interest only at this stage. Please register with the ProContract e-tendering portal where further information and documentation will be published.