uri | https://www.contractsfinder.service.gov.uk/Published/Notice/releases/48f377af-e07c-49cf-8f32-92c1ce52b052.json |
publishedDate | 2021-06-07T11:26:52Z |
publisher/name | DUE NORTH LIMITED |
publisher/scheme | GB-GOVUK-crown_comercial_service |
publisher/uri | https://www.contractsfinder.service.gov.uk |
version | 1.1 |
extensions/0 | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/open-contracting/ocds_process_title_extension/v1.1/extension.json |
license | https://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/version/2/ |
publicationPolicy | https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/open-contracting |
releases/0/ocid | ocds-b5fd17-cebed8d4-9916-4c39-9075-80d7cd6815a6 |
releases/0/id | ocds-b5fd17-cebed8d4-9916-4c39-9075-80d7cd6815a6-441658-sribl001-dn548548-88724254 |
releases/0/language | en-GB |
releases/0/date | 2021-06-07T11:26:52Z |
releases/0/tag/0 | tender |
releases/0/initiationType | tender |
releases/0/tender/id | SRIBL001-DN548548-88724254 |
releases/0/tender/title | Invitation to Tender for Provision of Architect Services to RIBA Stage 3 for the Leyland Town Deal Development |
releases/0/tender/description | South Ribble Borough Council is inviting tenders for the provision of Architect services to RIBA stage 3 for the Leyland Town Deal development, as detailed within the specification included at Schedule 1 and associated documents.
Interested bidders should register their interest via the Chest at www.the-chest.org.uk in order to access the full specification and invitation to tender documentation.
The deadline for expressions of interest in the opportunity is 5pm Friday 2nd July 2021. Completed tender documents must be submitted and received via the Chest by no later than 12 Noon Monday 5th July 2021. |
releases/0/tender/status | active |
releases/0/tender/items/0/id | 1 |
releases/0/tender/items/0/description | See description of related tender. |
releases/0/tender/items/0/classification/scheme | CPV |
releases/0/tender/items/0/classification/id | 71000000 |
releases/0/tender/items/0/classification/description | Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services |
releases/0/tender/items/0/classification/uri | http://cpv.data.ac.uk/code-71000000.html |
releases/0/tender/minValue/currency | GBP |
releases/0/tender/value/currency | GBP |
releases/0/tender/procurementMethodDetails | Other - |
releases/0/tender/submissionMethodDetails | Please apply directly to the buyer using the contact details provided, or follow the instructions given in the notice description or information section. |
releases/0/tender/tenderPeriod/startDate | 2021-06-07T11:26:52Z |
releases/0/tender/tenderPeriod/endDate | 2021-07-05T12:00:00Z |
releases/0/tender/milestones/0/id | 1 |
releases/0/tender/milestones/0/title | Contract start |
releases/0/tender/milestones/0/description | Anticipated contract start date |
releases/0/tender/milestones/0/dueDate | 2021-07-30T00:00:00Z |
releases/0/tender/milestones/1/id | 2 |
releases/0/tender/milestones/1/title | Contract end |
releases/0/tender/milestones/1/description | Anticipated contract end date |
releases/0/tender/milestones/1/dueDate | 2022-05-06T00:00:00Z |
releases/0/tender/xClassifications/isSuitableForSme | 1 |
releases/0/tender/xClassifications/isSuitableForVco | 1 |
releases/0/tender/xClassifications/ojeuContractType | Services |
releases/0/buyer/name | South Ribble Borough Council |
releases/0/buyer/address/streetAddress | South Ribble Borough Council Civic Centre, West Paddock |
releases/0/buyer/address/locality | Leyland |
releases/0/buyer/address/postalCode | PR25 1DH |
releases/0/buyer/address/countryName | England |
releases/0/buyer/contactPoint/email | procurement@chorley.gov.uk |
releases/0/buyer/contactPoint/telephone | +44 1257515638 |
releases/0/buyer/contactPoint/uri | http://www.southribble.gov.uk/ |