uri | https://www.contractsfinder.service.gov.uk/Published/Notice/releases/5f54fdb9-970d-4d5a-9829-a27d4cd9373b.json |
publishedDate | 2022-07-27T13:49:30Z |
deadlineDate | 2022-08-10T23:59:59Z |
publisher/name | GATESHEAD COUNCIL |
publisher/scheme | GB-GOVUK-crown_comercial_service |
publisher/uri | https://www.contractsfinder.service.gov.uk |
version | 1.1 |
extensions/0 | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/open-contracting/ocds_process_title_extension/v1.1/extension.json |
extensions/1 | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/portaledcahn/ocds_tenderDatePublished_extension/master/extension.json |
license | https://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/version/2/ |
publicationPolicy | https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/open-contracting |
releases/0/ocid | ocds-b5fd17-b9c2044c-4130-4f87-9746-8a77ecbadddf |
releases/0/id | ocds-b5fd17-b9c2044c-4130-4f87-9746-8a77ecbadddf-558042-dn624365 |
releases/0/language | en-GB |
releases/0/date | 2022-07-27T13:49:30Z |
releases/0/tag/0 | planning |
releases/0/initiationType | tender |
releases/0/title | Market Engagement - Framework Agreement for Geo-environmental Site Investigations and associated consultancy services |
releases/0/description | Gateshead Council is in the process of renewing its Framework Contract for Geoenvironmental Site Investigations and associated consultancy services. The council is asking for market engagement questionnaires to be completed by suppliers who may be interested in this opportunity via the Council's e-tendering system, the NEPO portal (www.nepo.org).
If you are not already registered on the portal you can register for free here: https://procontract.due-north.com/Register |
releases/0/tender/id | DN624365 |
releases/0/tender/title | Market Engagement - Framework Agreement for Geo-environmental Site Investigations and associated consultancy services |
releases/0/tender/description | Gateshead Council is in the process of renewing its Framework Contract for Geoenvironmental Site Investigations and associated consultancy services. The council is asking for market engagement questionnaires to be completed by suppliers who may be interested in this opportunity via the Council's e-tendering system, the NEPO portal (www.nepo.org).
If you are not already registered on the portal you can register for free here: https://procontract.due-north.com/Register |
releases/0/tender/status | planning |
releases/0/tender/items/0/id | 1 |
releases/0/tender/items/0/description | See description of related tender. |
releases/0/tender/items/0/classification/scheme | CPV |
releases/0/tender/items/0/classification/id | 71000000 |
releases/0/tender/items/0/classification/description | Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services |
releases/0/tender/items/0/classification/uri | http://cpv.data.ac.uk/code-71000000.html |
releases/0/tender/minValue/currency | GBP |
releases/0/tender/value/currency | GBP |
releases/0/tender/submissionMethodDetails | Please apply directly to the buyer using the contact details provided, or follow the instructions given in the notice description or information section. |
releases/0/tender/xClassifications/isSuitableForSme | 1 |
releases/0/buyer/identifier/scheme | GB-SRS |
releases/0/buyer/identifier/id | sid4gov.cabinetoffice.gov.uk/7x528UnQ |
releases/0/buyer/identifier/uri | https://supplierregistration.cabinetoffice.gov.uk/notices/buyers.csv |
releases/0/buyer/name | GATESHEAD COUNCIL |
releases/0/buyer/address/streetAddress | Regent Street |
releases/0/buyer/address/locality | Gateshead |
releases/0/buyer/address/postalCode | NE81HH |
releases/0/buyer/address/countryName | England |
releases/0/buyer/contactPoint/name | Jason Bell |
releases/0/buyer/contactPoint/email | jasonbell@gateshead.gov.uk |