uri | https://www.contractsfinder.service.gov.uk/Published/Notice/releases/06237f36-e0ca-4890-8ec0-10382b578c48.json |
publishedDate | 2020-10-30T08:30:29Z |
publisher/name | DUE NORTH LIMITED |
publisher/scheme | GB-GOVUK-crown_comercial_service |
publisher/uri | https://www.contractsfinder.service.gov.uk |
version | 1.1 |
extensions/0 | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/open-contracting/ocds_process_title_extension/v1.1/extension.json |
license | https://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/version/2/ |
publicationPolicy | https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/open-contracting |
releases/0/ocid | ocds-b5fd17-896d3f29-af75-409b-a9f0-2bdf8f2d9296 |
releases/0/id | ocds-b5fd17-896d3f29-af75-409b-a9f0-2bdf8f2d9296-390180-enp001-dn506691-61882818 |
releases/0/language | en-GB |
releases/0/date | 2020-10-30T08:30:29Z |
releases/0/tag/0 | tender |
releases/0/initiationType | tender |
releases/0/tender/id | ENP001-DN506691-61882818 |
releases/0/tender/title | EN: Procure Landsolve Framework 2.0 |
releases/0/tender/description | ENProcure is seeking to procure a Framework of Land Advisers/Brokers to assist in generating capital and maximising the value of land for the benefit of the public and charitable sector and/or developing surplus land assets with the aim of delivering social infrastructure or other public policy objectives. The Framework will comprise two lots:
- Lot 1 - Land Brokers who will normally provide the Client with support and advice at financial risk during the project development phases (from RIBA Stages 1 up to 4), with payment for services being realised and paid through the proceeds of the land sale. - Lot 2 - Land Advisers to provide support and advice to the Client on the development of surplus assets including: appraisal of development opportunities to determine commercial viability and deliverability; strategic options analyses; planning assessments; due diligence and surveys; and general advice and support throughout the project lifecycle. The Land Advisers are not required to work at financial risk.
The Broker Framework will be available for use by or on behalf of public and charitable sector organisations who will identify land assets for broker services. The Framework across both Lots will be used to deliver support and advice to Clients during project development phases (from RIBA Stages 1 up to 4) and may also be used to provide services during and post the construction phase including acting as the Client's agent and ensuring that the project is built out in accordance with the agreed specification, programme and outcomes. Land Brokers under Lot 1 will deliver these services throughout the project lifecycle, normally taking full financial risk on the project after an exclusivity arrangement has been entered into with the Client.
Land Advisers under Lot 2 will deliver services by way of lump sum fees or time charge commissions and will not take any financial risk. It is anticipated that Lot 1 Project Call Offs will involve a longer term partnership between the Client and the Land Broker, whereas Lot 2 Project Call-Offs will be shorter term engagements to provide specific pieces of advice during the project lifecycle, with a focus on the early stage viability assessments.
Legal services are not included in the scope of service for either Lot under this Framework.
The tender documents may be accessed via: https://procontract.due-north.com/Supplier/Advert/View?advertId=e128c5e4-cf19-eb11-8105-005056b64545&fromProjectDashboard=False&fromRfxSummary=False&selectWorkgroup=False&fromAdvertEvent=False&fromActivityDashboard=False&restrictedPortalId=6fa1b58e-adb3-e911-80f8-005056b64545 |
releases/0/tender/status | active |
releases/0/tender/items/0/id | 1 |
releases/0/tender/items/0/description | See description of related tender. |
releases/0/tender/items/0/classification/scheme | CPV |
releases/0/tender/items/0/classification/id | 70100000 |
releases/0/tender/items/0/classification/description | Real estate services with own property |
releases/0/tender/items/0/classification/uri | http://cpv.data.ac.uk/code-70100000.html |
releases/0/tender/items/1/id | 2 |
releases/0/tender/items/1/description | See description of related tender. |
releases/0/tender/items/1/classification/scheme | CPV |
releases/0/tender/items/1/classification/id | 70300000 |
releases/0/tender/items/1/classification/description | Real estate agency services on a fee or contract basis |
releases/0/tender/items/1/classification/uri | http://cpv.data.ac.uk/code-70300000.html |
releases/0/tender/items/2/id | 3 |
releases/0/tender/items/2/description | See description of related tender. |
releases/0/tender/items/2/classification/scheme | CPV |
releases/0/tender/items/2/classification/id | 71000000 |
releases/0/tender/items/2/classification/description | Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services |
releases/0/tender/items/2/classification/uri | http://cpv.data.ac.uk/code-71000000.html |
releases/0/tender/items/3/id | 4 |
releases/0/tender/items/3/description | See description of related tender. |
releases/0/tender/items/3/classification/scheme | CPV |
releases/0/tender/items/3/classification/id | 79411000 |
releases/0/tender/items/3/classification/description | General management consultancy services |
releases/0/tender/items/3/classification/uri | http://cpv.data.ac.uk/code-79411000.html |
releases/0/tender/minValue/amount | 250000000 |
releases/0/tender/minValue/currency | GBP |
releases/0/tender/value/currency | GBP |
releases/0/tender/procurementMethodDetails | Open procedure |
releases/0/tender/submissionMethodDetails | Please apply directly to the buyer using the contact details provided, or follow the instructions given in the notice description or information section. |
releases/0/tender/tenderPeriod/startDate | 2020-10-30T08:18:12Z |
releases/0/tender/tenderPeriod/endDate | 2020-12-01T16:00:00Z |
releases/0/tender/milestones/0/id | 1 |
releases/0/tender/milestones/0/title | Contract start |
releases/0/tender/milestones/0/description | Anticipated contract start date |
releases/0/tender/milestones/0/dueDate | 2021-01-15T00:00:00Z |
releases/0/tender/milestones/1/id | 2 |
releases/0/tender/milestones/1/title | Contract end |
releases/0/tender/milestones/1/description | Anticipated contract end date |
releases/0/tender/milestones/1/dueDate | 2025-01-15T00:00:00Z |
releases/0/tender/xClassifications/isSuitableForSme | 1 |
releases/0/tender/xClassifications/ojeuContractType | Services |
releases/0/buyer/name | EN Procure Ltd |
releases/0/buyer/address/streetAddress | 1st Floor, Sovereign Court 300 Barrow Road |
releases/0/buyer/address/locality | Sheffield |
releases/0/buyer/address/postalCode | S9 1JQ |
releases/0/buyer/address/countryName | England |
releases/0/buyer/contactPoint/name | Stuart Brown |
releases/0/buyer/contactPoint/email | tenders@efficiencynorth.org |
releases/0/buyer/contactPoint/telephone | +44 3306061460 |
releases/0/buyer/contactPoint/uri | https://www.efficiencynorth.org/procure |