uri | https://www.contractsfinder.service.gov.uk/Published/Notice/releases/35818663-2074-4865-b327-23981b03534a.json |
publishedDate | 2019-12-05T13:17:30Z |
publisher/name | THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES |
publisher/scheme | GB-GOVUK-crown_comercial_service |
publisher/uri | https://www.contractsfinder.service.gov.uk |
version | 1.1 |
extensions/0 | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/open-contracting/ocds_process_title_extension/v1.1/extension.json |
license | https://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/version/2/ |
publicationPolicy | https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/open-contracting |
releases/0/ocid | ocds-b5fd17-651c0ee2-ae7e-4e13-9895-62313437a7ee |
releases/0/id | ocds-b5fd17-651c0ee2-ae7e-4e13-9895-62313437a7ee-330638-tna245 |
releases/0/language | en-GB |
releases/0/date | 2019-12-05T13:17:30Z |
releases/0/tag/0 | award |
releases/0/initiationType | tender |
releases/0/tender/id | TNA245 |
releases/0/tender/title | Works Contract - Embedded Learning Spaces Construction and Fit Out |
releases/0/tender/description | The National Archives (TNA) is seeking to appoint a contractor to undertake the construction and fit out of two bespoke, architect-designed, embedded learning spaces at its site in Kew, Richmond, Surrey TW9 4DU. The work is part of a phased Public Space Programme, redeveloping the public spaces of TNA's 1977 brutalist concrete archive building. The works being tendered will create two new characterful learning rooms within the existing first floor open plan library and document reading rooms.
The learning rooms are to be acoustically separated from the surrounding space with minimum Rw 49dB glazed and solid partitions. The existing suspended ceilings are to be removed and replaced. The existing VAV HVAC system will be adapted and a new comfort cooling system introduced. New AV, lighting and power will be required to both spaces. Existing floor finishes are to be replaced. New joinery, acoustic linings, curtains and loose furniture will be required.
The site is a working government office and document repository, open to the public and situated in a residential area. It operates under government security regulations which will have to be retained throughout the works. The works are within the public areas of the National Archives. The building is open to the public 9am-5pm, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, and 9am-7pm Tuesday and Thursday. The building must remain operational throughout the works. Noisy work will be carried out outside of public opening hours.
If this is an opportunity to which you are interested in responding, please submit an expression of interest to procurement@nationalarchives.gov.uk by 3pm on Monday, September 2nd.
The National Archives intends to issue the Invitation to Tender to those suppliers who have expressed an interest by the above deadline, during the week commencing September 2nd with a contract award decision anticipated by early October, 2019.
The expected contract period is from October, 2019 to the end of March, 2020. |
releases/0/tender/status | complete |
releases/0/tender/items/0/id | 1 |
releases/0/tender/items/0/description | See description of related tender. |
releases/0/tender/items/0/classification/scheme | CPV |
releases/0/tender/items/0/classification/id | 71000000 |
releases/0/tender/items/0/classification/description | Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services |
releases/0/tender/items/0/classification/uri | http://cpv.data.ac.uk/code-71000000.html |
releases/0/tender/minValue/currency | GBP |
releases/0/tender/value/amount | 600000 |
releases/0/tender/value/currency | GBP |
releases/0/tender/procurementMethod | open |
releases/0/tender/procurementMethodDetails | Open (non-OJEU) |
releases/0/tender/tenderPeriod/endDate | 2019-09-02T00:00:00Z |
releases/0/tender/milestones/0/id | 1 |
releases/0/tender/milestones/0/title | Contract start |
releases/0/tender/milestones/0/description | Anticipated contract start date |
releases/0/tender/milestones/0/dueDate | 2019-10-01T00:00:00Z |
releases/0/tender/milestones/1/id | 2 |
releases/0/tender/milestones/1/title | Contract end |
releases/0/tender/milestones/1/description | Anticipated contract end date |
releases/0/tender/milestones/1/dueDate | 2020-03-31T00:00:00Z |
releases/0/tender/xClassifications/isSuitableForSme | 1 |
releases/0/tender/xClassifications/ojeuContractType | Works |
releases/0/buyer/identifier/scheme | GB-GOR |
releases/0/buyer/identifier/id | EA71 |
releases/0/buyer/identifier/uri | https://government-organisation.register.gov.uk/record/EA71 |
releases/0/buyer/name | THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES |
releases/0/buyer/address/streetAddress | Kew |
releases/0/buyer/address/locality | Richmond |
releases/0/buyer/address/postalCode | TW9 4DU |
releases/0/buyer/address/countryName | England |
releases/0/buyer/contactPoint/email | procurement@nationalarchives.gov.uk |
releases/0/awards/0/id | a6424687-904a-48ed-9b18-2158f1e6e042 |
releases/0/awards/0/description | See description of related tender |
releases/0/awards/0/status | active |
releases/0/awards/0/date | 2019-12-05T00:00:00Z |
releases/0/awards/0/value/amount | 627550 |
releases/0/awards/0/value/currency | GBP |
releases/0/awards/0/suppliers/0/identifier/scheme | GB-COH |
releases/0/awards/0/suppliers/0/identifier/id | 02099201 |
releases/0/awards/0/suppliers/0/name | BRYMOR CONSTRUCTION LTD. |
releases/0/awards/0/suppliers/0/address/streetAddress | Brymor House,Forest Road Parklands Business Park
GB |
releases/0/awards/0/suppliers/0/contactPoint/name | Paula Bradly |
releases/0/awards/0/suppliers/0/x_awardValue/currency | GBP |
releases/0/awards/0/contractPeriod/startDate | 2019-12-12T00:00:00Z |
releases/0/awards/0/contractPeriod/endDate | 2020-05-31T00:00:00Z |