uri | https://www.contractsfinder.service.gov.uk/Published/Notice/releases/dca969f2-a09f-4002-b7f2-2bb7eab32c40.json |
publishedDate | 2019-10-02T09:45:34Z |
publisher/name | Amber Valley Borough Council |
publisher/scheme | GB-GOVUK-crown_comercial_service |
publisher/uri | https://www.contractsfinder.service.gov.uk |
version | 1.1 |
extensions/0 | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/open-contracting/ocds_process_title_extension/v1.1/extension.json |
license | https://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/version/2/ |
publicationPolicy | https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/open-contracting |
releases/0/ocid | ocds-b5fd17-08937001-f29d-4504-aff3-a56fe773ce45 |
releases/0/id | ocds-b5fd17-08937001-f29d-4504-aff3-a56fe773ce45-317172-avsg2 |
releases/0/language | en-GB |
releases/0/date | 2019-10-02T09:45:34Z |
releases/0/tag/0 | tenderAmendment |
releases/0/initiationType | tender |
releases/0/tender/id | AVSG2 |
releases/0/tender/title | Feasibility Study (Expressions of Interest) - Development of Employment Land & Investment Property |
releases/0/tender/description | Amber Valley Borough Council is seeking expressions of interest from suitably qualified and experienced consultancies to undertake a detailed feasibility study that will:
1. Examine the potential of three existing land assets that are available to the Council and assess the market viability of developing employment land for incubation units/business start-ups.
2. To identify and evaluate private sector land that may also be available for purchase by the Council for the development of units, or where the Council can facilitate land owners to bring forward the build potential.
3. To identify existing business units regardless of size, or sites currently under development within the Borough or neighbouring districts and Derby, available to purchase, that will be capable of generating an annual return on investment of at least 4% per annum. This can include new premises, the purchase and leaseback of existing properties to companies that are trading successfully, or premises that are currently let to successful companies on a long-term basis.
To ensure long term financial sustainability and local economic growth, the successful consultancy will be required to undertake an overall market demand analysis, to identify the number and type and size of units required, the overall level of demand and the likely levels of rent.
The study will also require a full examination of the constraints, costs of developing the project, return on investment and market viability, which must include a soft market test.
Expressions of interest can be registered via: simon.gladwin@ambervalley.gov.uk |
releases/0/tender/status | unsuccessful |
releases/0/tender/items/0/id | 1 |
releases/0/tender/items/0/description | See description of related tender. |
releases/0/tender/items/0/classification/scheme | CPV |
releases/0/tender/items/0/classification/id | 70000000 |
releases/0/tender/items/0/classification/description | Real estate services |
releases/0/tender/items/0/classification/uri | http://cpv.data.ac.uk/code-70000000.html |
releases/0/tender/items/1/id | 2 |
releases/0/tender/items/1/description | See description of related tender. |
releases/0/tender/items/1/classification/scheme | CPV |
releases/0/tender/items/1/classification/id | 71000000 |
releases/0/tender/items/1/classification/description | Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services |
releases/0/tender/items/1/classification/uri | http://cpv.data.ac.uk/code-71000000.html |
releases/0/tender/items/2/id | 3 |
releases/0/tender/items/2/description | See description of related tender. |
releases/0/tender/items/2/classification/scheme | CPV |
releases/0/tender/items/2/classification/id | 73000000 |
releases/0/tender/items/2/classification/description | Research and development services and related consultancy services |
releases/0/tender/items/2/classification/uri | http://cpv.data.ac.uk/code-73000000.html |
releases/0/tender/items/3/id | 4 |
releases/0/tender/items/3/description | See description of related tender. |
releases/0/tender/items/3/classification/scheme | CPV |
releases/0/tender/items/3/classification/id | 79000000 |
releases/0/tender/items/3/classification/description | Business services: law, marketing, consulting, recruitment, printing and security |
releases/0/tender/items/3/classification/uri | http://cpv.data.ac.uk/code-79000000.html |
releases/0/tender/minValue/amount | 30000 |
releases/0/tender/minValue/currency | GBP |
releases/0/tender/value/amount | 40000 |
releases/0/tender/value/currency | GBP |
releases/0/tender/procurementMethod | limited |
releases/0/tender/procurementMethodDetails | Competitive quotation (non-OJEU) |
releases/0/tender/submissionMethodDetails | Please apply directly to the buyer using the contact details provided, or follow the instructions given in the notice description or information section. |
releases/0/tender/tenderPeriod/endDate | 2019-10-22T00:00:00Z |
releases/0/tender/milestones/0/id | 1 |
releases/0/tender/milestones/0/title | Contract start |
releases/0/tender/milestones/0/description | Anticipated contract start date |
releases/0/tender/milestones/0/dueDate | 2019-11-29T00:00:00Z |
releases/0/tender/milestones/1/id | 2 |
releases/0/tender/milestones/1/title | Contract end |
releases/0/tender/milestones/1/description | Anticipated contract end date |
releases/0/tender/milestones/1/dueDate | 2020-05-01T00:00:00Z |
releases/0/tender/xClassifications/isSuitableForSme | 1 |
releases/0/tender/xClassifications/ojeuContractType | Services |
releases/0/buyer/identifier/scheme | GB-LAE |
releases/0/buyer/identifier/id | AMB |
releases/0/buyer/identifier/uri | https://local-authority-eng.register.gov.uk/record/AMB |
releases/0/buyer/name | Amber Valley Borough Council |
releases/0/buyer/address/streetAddress | Town Hall |
releases/0/buyer/address/locality | RIPLEY |
releases/0/buyer/address/postalCode | DE53BT |
releases/0/buyer/address/countryName | England |
releases/0/buyer/contactPoint/name | Simon Gladwin |
releases/0/buyer/contactPoint/email | simon.gladwin@ambervalley.gov.uk |
releases/0/buyer/contactPoint/telephone | 01773 841415 |